Bonjour Timo

Timo is a 27-year-old guy who is giving the blog thing a whirl. He just wants people to know what he's up to.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Final Frontier

I live in a house with cable television. I could be one of those people that says television should die, but no, I love television. Actually most tv is crap, but there are a few shows I have been watching.
I hang out with my neighbors every Wednesday to watch Project Runway. Watching people make clothes is lots of fun. I'm rooting for Daniel, not just because he's talented, but because he's cute too.
I'm wrapped up in the O.C. too. I've been torn this season because Seth has always been my favorite. Then Johnny came along and now I don't know who my tv boyfriend is.
Not all my favorite shows are fluff. 60 Minutes is such a great program. I wish CBS would show reruns of 60 Minutes. It'd be nice to go back in time and relive some of the events that have occurred since 60 Minutes began. It'd also be nice to view a younger, sexier Morley Safer report.
Other programs I enjoy: Boston Legal, The Daily Show, What Not to Wear, and Martha.
I decided to write this entry about television because I just came off watching the most exhilarating television program. There's this channel called "G4" and it's the video game channel. I don't know what they present along the lines of video games, but at eight and nine o' clock every night, they show old episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. God I love that show. The sad part about loving ST:TNG is that I know so few people who love it too so I can’t discuss it with anyone. Anyway, when the channel started last month, it began with the first episode, and has been showing two episodes every night since. I had become giddy this week because tonight's episode was "The Best of Both Worlds: Part I," easily one of the best in the seven-season series. It's the episode where the crew of the Enterprise goes up against the Borg and Picard is captured, only to be assimilated into a Borg himself. The drama...the suspense...phenomenal! Tomorrow is part II. It's going to be real good. Live long and prosper everyone.


At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever.... I'm good for some Trek talk any time.

At 4:12 AM, Blogger Timo said...

Okay, so e-mail me.

At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not that much of a movie goer, so I miss out on a lot of things that i would otherwise like to see. I recently got cable and have been making up for lost time, watching movies that ought to have been left alone. Recently I watched a TNG movie on sci fi - I thought it was the one where they first encounter the borg, but alas, it was First Contact, which, ironically, comes after the first contact with the borg. Oh well, I watched it anyway.

P.S. I initially typed "Fist Contact", which for some reason I thought was hilarious. Who doesn't love a good fisting?

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not called First Contact because of the Borg, it's called First Contact because it's about when humans first acheived warp drive and had first contact with the Vulcans.

At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I know that now, but imagine my disappointment...

But still, it had plenty of Borg action, so I guess I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars for satiating my Borg craving. Not to mention that it taught us all a valuable lesson about pursuing our dreams and pushing on even when everything seems hopeless, a theme I picked up on from another movie brought to me by television this weekend: Castaway. You never know what the tide will bring your way. Wait a minute. Wasn't that the theme of Forest Gump, too?

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Plethor,

I don't think I've ever seen a more obvious example of "Shoot for the stars!" Farmer Hoggett almost didn't shoot for the stars, and would have doomed the Earthlings to a post-apocalyptic existence. But then the esteemed crew of the Enterprise convinced him that he SHOULD shoot for the stars, and he does, thus saving all of our children from a gloomy Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome/Red Dawn-type existence.

It's almost as a sidebar that the Enterprise fires at Hoggett's ship as it flies past and misses. The lesson from that obviously is don't F with Lt. Data. That mother F-er is not to be trifled with. He will F you up.


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