Bonjour Timo

Timo is a 27-year-old guy who is giving the blog thing a whirl. He just wants people to know what he's up to.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

AC Baby! AC!!!

I just got home from a long birthday weekend. Last Friday was my birthday. Thanks to everyone who phoned me to wish me a happy birthday. And Alona? You and me is officially in a fight, k? My birthdays tend to be low-key affairs, kept on the DL. I managed to get dragged out of my self-pity around 11:30PM and headed on down to the 9th Avenue Saloon where my birthday cake shot actually tasted like birthday cake! I ended up at comedian Ted McElroy's place where the night ended with cocktails and DVD clips of the gay Rex Reed recounting the greatness of Judy Garland.
The next day, Dave, Cooper, Ted, and I packed the car and headed to Atlantic City for a night of adventure and sin. We stayed at the Borgata, AC's latest and most exclusive hotel. I think I live in a comfort zone here in New York. I can walk down Avenue A or Bedford and I feel comfortable. I'm with PLM's (People Like Me). The Borgata? Not so much. Here are some reasons: I decided not to wear a Men's Express button down collared shirt with ill-fitting blue jeans. I was not wooed by females wearing black hot pants and glittery tank tops. I did not gain 100 pounds for the trip. I didn't sport a colorfully dyed leather jacket. I didn't high-five anyone in the casino. But I was in good company so who cares?
Highlights of the trip include walking along the boardwalk and smelling the ocean. I'd love to go back next summer and do the beach/casino/beach/casino flip flop deal. We stopped for a drink at AC's only gay bar, The Brass Rail. FYI: The Brass Rail in Mpls. is not affiliated with The Brass Rail in AC, though you probably couldn't tell the difference anyway given their eerily similar interiors. Oh yeah, and I did gamble a little despite my inability to comprehend gambling’s appeal. Played some naughty nickels and lost five dollars total, which is five dollars that could have been spent better otherwise.
As I write this, I’m drinking tea that I hope will cleanse the alcoholic residue that has formed inside the lining of my veins. With any luck, my body (which went to bed at 6:45 this morning) should be back to normal by Wednesday.


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found it through many links of gay blogs... I'm guess around a 3 degree seperation. Anyway, I'm still in Minneapolis, I work at Target Corporation. I have a cat named Warbird.

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that was me above(Dan)

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Timo said...

Thanks for the comment Dan. Comments make me all warm and fuzzy inside. Oh, and if I had a cat, I'd name him D'deridex.


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