Bonjour Timo

Timo is a 27-year-old guy who is giving the blog thing a whirl. He just wants people to know what he's up to.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Like a Letdown

Last Friday I watched the Madonna documentary on MTV and with all the buzz of her upcoming album, Confessions on a Dance Floor, I thought I'd go on Limewire and find her latest single. I listened to "Hung Up" and fell in love with it not only because it's catchy, but because she samples ABBA with it. According to my iTunes play count, I have listened to the song over 40 times since Friday night. To listen to the track, click here and the song will soon play. So I decided I needed to go to a place Saturday night where "Hung Up" would be played so I could get drunk, sweaty, and dance to it. Of course, the MisShapes party at Luke and Leroy's came to mind. So I called my friend Billy and it turns out he was already planning on going to MisShapes as was Jane and her friend Greg. Swell! Jane later found out that MisShapes would feature a celebrity guest DJ (they do this frequently) and that night's DJ would be (inhale) Madonna (exhale). We admitted we were a little hesitant that she would actually be there, but whatever. So I headed up to Billy's for a pre-drink. Meanwhile, Jane had arrived at MisShapes and was hanging out. Jane called at 10:15, "Madonna just walked into the room to do a sound check. She's going on at 12:30. GET HERE NOW." So we hurried ourselves and just as we left, a terrific downpour erupted. By the time we arrived soaked at 9th Ave, every taxi was taken. We waited for about 30 minutes before finally coming across the chance of a taxi. We smiled as a middle aged suit flicked us off. We didn't steal his cab; we just got it first. The rain slowed everything down and by the time we arrived at Luke and Leroy's, a queue had formed. We waited in line watching just about everyone being told to please leave the line. Time for reenforcements. I called my friend Roman who is a MisShapes regular. "Give me the names of people who work here!" I asked him. He provided the names Geordan and Leigh. It'd have to do. A mob of people ahead of us vacated the line having just been ordered by the bouncer to do so, and we found ourselves face to face with the man who would determine our destiny. "Are you on the guest list?" he asked us. "No, but we're friends with Leigh," I replied. "I'm sorry. You have to be on the guest list if you want to get in. You're more than welcome to come back in a few hours (after Madonna has left) and try again." At least he was nice. What a night of should've and could've. So October 22nd will be the day I almost partied with Madonna.


At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, randomly found your site. I guess you did really move to New York. Hope all is well and take care.

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Timo said...

Thanks Dan. By the way, how did you randomly find my site? I've only advertised this blog through word of mouth. Live long and prosper.


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